Sahra Asadollahi | صحرا اسداللهی

Sahra Asadollahi
  • Career: Actress
  • TMDB ID: 2023849
  • Date of birth: March 30, 1992
  • Place of birth: karaj
  • Age:
  • Also known as: [صحرا اسداللهی]
  • View: 3785
  • RIP: False


Sahra Asadollahi, born on March 30, 1992, in Karaj, Iran, is a multifaceted artist excelling as both an actress and director. Her notable contributions include compelling performances in films such as "The Salesman" (2016), "Filicide" (2020), and "Acting Audition" (2021). With her talent and dedication, Sahra Asadollahi continues to make significant strides in the world of cinema, leaving an enduring impact on audiences and the cinematic landscape.


Sahra Asadollahi

Born: March 30, 1992 · Karaj, Iran
