Mahmoud Maghami | محمود مقدم

Mahmoud Maghami
  • Career: Actress
  • TMDB ID: 2727324
  • Date of birth: June 10, 1957
  • Place of birth: None
  • Age:
  • Also known as: [محمود مقدم]
  • View: 3521
  • RIP: False


Mahmoud Moghaddam, born on June 10, 1957, in Qazvin, is an Iranian actor and director in the film and television industry. He made his entry into the cinematic world in 1985 with the film "Plunder," directed by Iraj Ghaderi.

Mahmoud Moghaddam:

Date of Birth: June 10, 1957
Place of Birth: Qazvin
Nationality: Iranian
Profession: Actor in Cinema and Television, Director
Years Active: 1985–Present
Mahmoud Moghaddam embarked on his cinematic journey with the renowned director Iraj Ghaderi's film "Plunder" in 1985. Since then, he has been an active presence in Iranian cinema and television, establishing himself as a prominent actor and director.

His notable contributions span a variety of films and TV series, showcasing his versatile talent. Mahmoud Moghaddam continues to play a significant role in the Iranian entertainment industry, demonstrating his enduring commitment to the craft.
