Kazem HajirAzad | کاظم هژیرآزاد

Kazem HajirAzad
  • Career: Actress
  • TMDB ID: 2343426
  • Date of birth: March 21, 1950
  • Place of birth: None
  • Age:
  • Also known as: ['کاظم هژیرآزاد']
  • View: 3681
  • RIP: False


Kazem HejirAazad

Biography: Kazem HejirAazad, an Iranian theater and cinema actor, was born in Tehran on the 1st of Farvardin, 1329 (March 21, 1950). In the last year of high school, he developed an interest in acting and joined the "Anahita" Free Art School in the summer of 1348 (1969). He received training in the "Stanislavski" method under the supervision of Master Mustafa Eskooyi and participated in several stage and television performances with the "Anahita" group. He left the group in 1361 (1982) and has since collaborated independently with various Tehran-based groups.

HejirAazad has also been active in writing and has published a one-act play titled "Sousangard," related to the Iran-Iraq War. Additionally, he has published a one-act play about the backstage of theater and a collection of stories called "Kif." He has contributed scattered writings on theater criticism and issues related to the theater profession in the media. He is currently a member of the board of the Actors' Guild of the Theater House and serves on the board of the Theater House.
